It’s kind of like that whole blue or white dress thing…
What do you see when you look at the Like A Mother logo? Go ahead, take a minute and look. What jumps out at you?
The first time I looked at it I saw a demented smiley face. Yep, those were the exact words I used with my graphic designer, “it looks like a demented smiley face.”
“Well yeah,” she replied, “but I thought that by putting the mother and child together in that way got to your point about how motherhood isn’t perfect, and we’re all just doing the best we can.”
Well slap my ass and call me Judy – there’s a mother and child in that graphic! I totally see it now – there they are! And that was the moment I fell in love with it.
Because that’s motherhood, right there, in a nutshell. Some days you’re that perfectly posed mother holding onto your little one so tight that you think you might die if you let go. And at other times, you’ve got to paint on a demented smiley face to get through the day without crying. (And if we’re being honest, you’ll probably cry too, but you’ll paint that face back on for the sake of your kids.)
There it was, the essence of motherhood in one awesome graphic, designed for Like A Mother by The Extra Ordinary One’s Christi Carnahan, who definitely qualifies as a badass mom. Check her out on Facebook and Instagram, and show her some love!
Katie T. says
HAHA, I totally got the smiley face, but I kept wondering what that other curve was supposed to be.
Sara says
Oh….now i see it! Love it!