I have a confession to make. This year, I cheated. I know my mother will be so disappointed. After all, she set the example of how things were supposed to be. But I just couldn’t take it this year. This Christmas, I used HomeCooked for all of my cookies!
(Hey now, what did you think I was talking about?!)
Let’s get real here moms. For most of us, somewhere in our DNA, our family history, or our own fucked up stories in our heads about being perfect moms, we somehow got the message that good moms bake and prepare holiday feasts meant for kings from scratch.
For years I bought into this story – spending hours in the kitchen on Thanksgiving and baking for weeks before Christmas. But as I had more children, and life got crazier, I realized I wasn’t enjoying holidays any longer, so I started to take a few shortcuts. It began innocently enough, a few add-ons for Thanksgiving ordered from Whole Foods… but they were delicious, and so easy to prepare and serve! I was able to drink mimosas and watch the parade while the turkey roasted instead of peeling potatoes and chopping veggies. And I liked it!
This year, I found my new favorite holiday shortcut, HomeCooked, a local mom-owned business that is known for their pre-made meals that you simply cook at home. They offer a parent and child holiday cookie making workshop, so I registered Katie and me to participate. It was the best! There were five stations including three varieties of cookies, a fudge, and chocolate bark. The ingredients, measuring cups, mixing bowls, spatulas, mixer – all were provided! I didn’t have to shop or prep a thing. My daughter and I worked together and enjoyed the time because the stress of a long day in the kitchen was gone! We came home with bags of cookie dough, our finished fudge and bark, and smiles on our faces. Most importantly, our mother-daughter relationship was still intact. Pure awesomeness!
The next day we baked our cookies according to the directions provided, and I bagged them for storage in the freezer. Easy peasy.
But I needed more…
So I bought some of the premade dough from HomeCooked, and made these beautiful thumbprint cookies. Don’t they look pretty? I made those! I might not have mixed the dough myself, but I baked them, and in my book, that totally counts!
Honestly, I really do enjoy baking… when I have the time. I don’t enjoy baking when it’s expected, and there is a strict deadline to complete it along with all the shopping, wrapping, gifting, and the “oh-my-god I forgot to buy something for someone” shit on my plate, in addition to my normal work and that whole keeping my children alive thing.
Look, I don’t know who decided that the word mother was synonymous with the word martyr, but I’m calling bullshit. Being a good mom doesn’t mean you have to be Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart. Being a good mom means you are doing the best you can at any given moment, and if today that is a bag of Oreos that you’ll be leaving for Santa, so be it. I hear he likes them!
Footnote: My love for HomeCooked is pure and honest. They did not sponsor this post in any way. They just rock. If you are local to the Philly Western Suburbs, check them out in Paoli or online at homecooked.net.