If you read my last post, Word to Your (Like A) Mother, then you know I chose to jump on the bandwagon of choosing a word as a beacon for 2017. With the help of The Resolute Word by Michelle Lewis and Nicole Lewis-Keeber, I embarked on finding my word.
I am excited to share that my word for 2017 is… freedom!
(Cue your best Mel Gibson impression here.)
No, I’m not planning a Scottish uprising, and I’m not planning an uprising in suburban Philadelphia either. But I am hoping to spark a little uprising in my thoughts and in my actions.
When the word freedom first appeared to me, I thought it might be too bold. Would people think my goal is to leave my family, runoff and become a gypsy? (That’s NOT my goal!) But then I realized that part of the freedom I’m looking to find is the freedom to have bold thoughts and to do bold things.
So what does freedom mean to me?
I did a quick Google search for a definition as soon as I realized freedom was my word for 2017. This is the first definition I got:
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Did you read that? The POWER or RIGHT to ACT, SPEAK, or THINK as one WANTS without hindrance or restraint.
I seriously got chills.
I have spent many years in my life feeling stuck. Whether it was being stuck in my own head, or feeling trapped by societal norms and perceptions, I don’t feel like I’ve been living as my true and authentic self. In 2015, I started to make some powerful shifts. But those were sidetracked in 2016 when I let the voices in my head get the better of me again. To be honest, for the last six months, I’ve been a pretty miserable bitch. In 2017, it’s time to shift that power once again. It’s time for freedom.
I love this and you. Funny- because just tonight I realized- sometimes I’m not sure i know the difference between what I truly want to do and what I think I should want to do. Super grateful to have you as a friend on this wild journey! Cheers to freedom.
Cheers my friend! Thank you!