The year we will forever know as 2016 is coming to a close. I don’t know about you, but this year has been a bit rocky for me. It started out with a bang. I had big plans, but then life threw some unexpected curve balls, and I found myself joining the throngs screaming a big old “F-you!” to 2016.
In recent years, I haven’t been one for resolutions, and quite honestly, I have never been a huge fan of New Year’s Eve or Day – too many expectations, and far too many years of watching that silly ball drop alone have made me jaded. Lately I find myself focusing on MY new year, my birthday, which was in late November. It’s a day when the only expectations are my own.
But a new trend (or at least new-to-me trend) has sparked my interest in the new year, and especially after 2016 fell a bit flat for me, I am ready to give it a try. It’s choosing a word for the coming year.
I started hearing a little about picking a word for the year last new year’s, but didn’t pay much attention. I mean, it sounded cool – picking a word as your word of the year – but how was this going to help me? I just couldn’t see it… or maybe I didn’t want to.
But the idea appeared again this year, and this time I paid attention. It popped up a few times, which is typically a sign from the universe that I need to put on my listening ears and engage with the idea. Most recently, it came in the form of a book written and shared by Nicole Lewis-Keeber and her cousin Michelle Lewis. The book is called The Resolute Word.
In the book, a short Kindle read, they share their experiences with finding and choosing a word and how it led them to start an online community. The idea wasn’t theirs exclusively, but how they are encouraging others to find their word, and the community they have built, make this idea more tangible.
My first misconception about the word of the year was that I should just pick a word, which to me seemed overwhelming. There are so many words, and so many things I’d love to see this coming year bring. How do I choose just one word? This is where The Resolute Word was incredibly helpful. Nicole and Michelle provide exercises to get the word choosing juices flowing. These ideas are things I never would have thought of, but are simple and require little more than quieting your mind and listening to yourself and the world around you.
Had you asked me before I read the book, I would have probably chosen the word love. I’m all about love, and it would seem the obvious choice for me. But love is not my word for 2017. After reading the book and doing the exercises, my word appeared like a Broadway marquis… and it’s definitely not love. What is it? You have to wait January 1st to find out!
Is the word of the year the new resolution? Who’s to say, but for me it feels right!
And if it feels right to you, I encourage you to download The Resolute Word to help you find yours. The book is free if you have Kindle Unlimited, and just $0.99 if you don’t. Also, Nicole and Michelle are donating all proceeds from the book through the end of January to help Syrian refugees, so you can help yourself with this guide, and you’ll be helping others with your purchase!
Then, come back here on January 1, 2017 to learn my word for the year, and how I came to choose it, or how it chose me, and share yours! And get ready to take on 2017 like a mother!
I had heard of this, but I didn’t know there was a book for it. I will have to give the book a read. My word for 2017 is “present.” I plan to slow down and be present a lot more.
The book is great if you struggle with picking a word like I did. But it looks like you found your word, and it’s fantastic!