I have always loved the moon and felt connected to it. I can’t exactly tell you why, but I’m a night person, and there’s nothing better to me than laying on the ground and staring up in the night sky, especially if you are far away from the city lights.
Despite this love for all things lunar, I’ve never really studied the moon, nor do I know off the top of my head it’s phase. Usually though I can feel when the full moon is near based on certain events. So today, when a voice from my past called, I suspected something was cosmically afoot.
Then a post by a friend linking to an article about tonight’s Full Frost Moon, also known as the Mourning Moon brought tied all the pieces together saying “your psyche could probably use a little love and attention.” And damn if that ain’t the truth!
The article on Refinery29 laid out four specific areas, and I’ve decided to take each one and share what I’ll be doing to transition to this next lunar phase.
1) Consider how you mourn.
Ahhh, mourning. You would think I’ve done a lot of that lately with the loss of my father that was followed by the loss of a friend and just this past week the loss of my husband’s friend. But I haven’t. I haven’t really allowed myself to sit with my emotions. So tonight, I’m committing to a good cry.
2) Brave the cold.
We had a relatively warm day here in the northeast U.S., but as I mentioned about, getting outside to observe the night sky is one of my favorite things, and it’s something I haven’t done in… damn, I can’t even remember the last time I just stopped and went outside to look at the sky. So tonight, I’ll step outside.
3) Cleanse.
Everything in my life feels cluttered right now. My brain, my house, my work, my body. I’m holding on to so much, and I’ve been feeling the need to cleanse. Just this week I started a class on Facebook to help clear my chakras and raise my vibe. (Don’t act surprised. I just told you earlier that I feel the moon. You know I’m one of those woo-woo chicks.) Anyway, step one in the week long class was to clear the energy. Did I? No. I have a brand new blessed sage smudge stick, but my house is so cluttered that I don’t even want to cleanse the energy. But maybe if I cleansed the energy, I’d clean up the damn house. So tonight, I’ll be lighting that sage.
4) Send a message.
This one starts off with, “full moons bring personal truths to light — even those we keep closest to the vest.” Then it talks about sharing how you really feel with a friend or loved one, and then it says, “and don’t overlook those who have already passed on.” Oh, shit. This is the Mourning Moon after all, which appears to be the perfect time to say the things I wish I could have said to my dad. So tonight, I’m writing my dad a letter.
I believe the universe brings us what we need when we need it, and it’s up to us to see those things and accept or ignore them. Tonight I’ll honor the signs and honor the moon.
Lovely. And I just saw the moon in all it’s glory too. And now I’m leaving smarter.